I work with a range of clients, including individual authors, publishers, small translation agencies, foundations and educational institutions.

Literary translations

How the West Lost the Peace: The Great Transformation Since the Cold War, by Philipp Ther, 2023. (Das andere Ende der Geschichte: Über die große Transformation)

The Scent of Empires: Chanel No. 5 and Red Moscow, by Karl Schlögel, 2021. (Der Duft der Imperien: Chanel No. 5 und Rotes Moskau)

Sex and the Nazi Soldier: Violent, Commercial and Consensual Encounters during the War in the Soviet Union, 1941-45, by Regina Mühlhäuser, 2020. (Eroberungen: Sexuelle Gewalttaten und intime Beziehungen deutscher Soldaten in der Sowjetunion 1941–1945)

What Is at Stake Now: My Appeal for Peace and Freedom, by Mikhail Gorbachev, 2020. (Was jetzt auf dem Spiel steht: Mein Aufruf für Frieden und Freiheit)

Troublemakers: A Philosophy of Puer Robustus, by Dieter Thomä, 2019. (Puer Robustus: Eine Philosophie des Störenfrieds)

Vertical Europe: The Sociology of High-Rise Construction, by Andrea Glauser, 2019. (Vertikales Bauen in Europa: Eine soziologische Analyse)

Society of Fear, by Heinz Bude, 2018. (Gesellschaft der Angst)

Munich 1919: Diary of a Revolution, by Victor Klemperer, 2017. (Man möchte immer weinen und lachen in einem: Revolutionstagebuch 1919)

Ordinary Organizations: Why Normal Men Carried Out the Holocaust, by Stefan Kühl, 2016. (Ganz normale Organisationen: Zur Soziologie des Holocaust)

Wall Memorials and Heritage: The Heritage Industry of Berlin's Checkpoint Charlie, by Sybille Frank, 2016. (Der Mauer um die Wette gedenken: Die Formation einer Heritage-Industrie am Berliner Checkpoint Charlie)

White Magic: The Age of Paper, by Lothar Müller, 2014. (Weisse Magie: Die Epoche des Papiers)

Inside Concentration Camps: Social Life at the Extremes, by Maja Suderland, 2013. (Ein Extremfall des Sozialen: Die Häftlingsgesellschaft in den nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern)

Past and present projects

I’ve collaborated on the translation, copyediting and proofreading of the permanent exhibitions at:

I continue to work with several of these institutions and memorials on the translation of special exhibitions, essays, web content, conference proceedings and other publications.

In addition, I regularly handle small- and large-scale translations (press releases, presentations, magazines) for companies and organizations in diverse industries, and I have translated film subtitles and voiceover texts.

Selected essays and other work

Navigating Noise, edited by Nathanja van Dijk, Kerstin Ergenzinger, Christian Kassung, and Sebastian Schwesinger. Cologne: Walther König, 2017. (Copyediting)

Crisis Discourse and Art Theory: Richard Wagner’s Legacy in Films by Veith von Fürstenberg and Kevin Reynolds, by Stefan Keppler-Tasaki, in: The Medieval Motion Picture: The Politics of Adaptation, edited by Andrew James Johnston, Margitta Rouse, and Philipp Hinz. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. (Translation)

Arriving home and moving on: The photographs of Lisl Ponger in Bamako, by Jessica Nitsche, in: Shoe Shop: Walking Through Africa, the Arts and Beyond, edited by Marie-Hélène Gutberlet and Cara Snyman. Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2012. (Translation)

Thomas Harlan — Wandersplitter, subtitled DVD, 2006